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Post-op: Fillings

Your fillings will be fully hardened by the time you leave the office!

Make sure to chew on the opposite side of where your filling is until the local anesthesia wears off!


    • You may experience tenderness or discomfort after your appointment â€‹

      • Take over the counter aspirin, Ibuprofen or Tylenol to help with any soreness at the injection site​

    • It is normal to experience hot, cold or pressure sensitivity after your appointment

      • These symptoms will go away over time ​​​


    • Your lips, teeth, and tongue may be numb for several hours after your appointment â€‹

    • Avoid chewing until the numbness has worn off.

      • It is easy to bite or burn your mouth while it is numb!​

    • Refrain from eating until the anesthesia has worn off

    • You may experience some discomfort where the local anesthetic was injected - this is normal!

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